
"Eh? Doctor Who? What's he talking about?"
A Biography of The Doctor |
Doctor Who is the world's longest-running science
fiction TV series. Countless nonfiction books, magazine articles,
and web sites have been devoted to the program. Many of these have
attempted to arrange the history of the Who universe into a
coherent picture, but no one's done a comprehensive biography of The
Doctor himself. These pages, based on the TV series, are my attempt
to fill this void.
Please note: This site is generously funded by Allen's sister, Cheryl Robinson.
Who's Doctor Who? - Site Directory |
In Memoriam - A Personal Tribute to Allen Robinson
What IS Doctor
Who? - An Introduction to the Series
The Laws of Time - Ground Rules and FAQs
Amendments to The Laws of Time - FAQ on Recent Site Changes
Who IS The Doctor? - An Overview and Background
The Academy Years - School Days and Field Trips
Doctoral Studies - The Doctor's Post-Graduate Adventures
Homecoming and Exile - Return to Gallifrey, Departure, Travels with Susan
The First Doctor A Citizen of
the Universe - An Overview of The First Doctor Adventures
- An Unearthly Child to The Reign of Terror Adventures
- Planet of Giants to The Time Meddler Adventures
- Galaxy 4 to The Tenth Planet
The Second Doctor The Cosmic Hobo - An Overview of The Second Doctor Adventures - The Power of the Daleks to The Evil of the
Daleks Adventures
- The Tomb of the Cybermen to The Two Doctors Adventures
- Fury from the Deep to The Five Doctors
The Third Doctor The Man Who Fell to Earth - An Overview of The Third Doctor Adventures - Spearhead from Space to The Mind of Evil Adventures - The Claws of Axos to The Time Monster Adventures - The Three Doctors to The Time Warrior Adventures - Invasion of the Dinosaurs to Planet of the
The Fourth Doctor A Bohemian
Walking in Eternity - An Overview of The Fourth Doctor Adventures
- Robot to Planet of Evil Adventures
- Pyramids of Mars to The Face of Evil
The Companions 1 Susan, Ian, Barbara, Vicki, Steven, Katarina, Sara, and Dodo
2 Polly, Ben, Jamie, Victoria, and Zoe 3
The Brigadier, Liz, Benton, Jo, and Mike 4
Sarah Jane, Harry, Leela, K-9, Romana, and Adric 5
Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough, Kamelion, Peri, Mel, and Ace
Speaking - Footnotes in the Sands of Time About the
Author - The Obligatory Personal Page
About the Maintainer - Another Obligatory Personal Page Odds and
Sods - Site News, Credits, Link Graphics
Awards - Recognition for content and design
Doctor Who™, The Doctor, and the TARDIS™ are © 1963, 2023 by the BBC. Daleks are
© 1963, 2023 by the Estate of Terry Nation. K-9 is © 1977, 2023 by
Bob Baker and Dave Martin. No infringement of these or other
copyrights is implied or intended. Who's Doctor Who? is ©
1998, 2023 by Louise Lobinske. If you'd like to use some of my material, please do me the courtesy of asking for permission first.
For those trying to correct old links, this site was formerly located at www.atlantic.net/~allenrob/ and www.dwebs.net/~allenrob/whoshome.html. Thank you in advance for updating your links.
Who's Doctor Who? was updated on December 12, 2023. |

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Who? has been tested with Internet Explorer 6,
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other browsers, please let
me know. Thanks. |