 "Doctor Who? Yes, uh, quite right"
The First Doctor's Final Adventures |
Companions: Vicki, Steven, Katarina, Sara Kingdom, Dodo Chaplet, Polly,
Ben Jackson Major Enemies: Daleks, Mavic Chen, The
Monk, Toymaker, WOTAN, Cybermen
Galaxy 4 |
Location: Unknown |
Date: Unknown |
The TARDIS lands on an unnamed planet about 400 days'
travel from Drahva, a planet in Galaxy 4 which is home to the
Drahvins, a race of beautiful warrior women. A Drahvin ship is
stranded after a battle with a craft belonging to the Rills, whom
they claim wish to destroy them. The planet is about to explode, and
The Doctor finds that there is less time remaining than the Drahvins
think. The Rills, an ugly race of telepaths who breathe ammonia,
acted in self-defense and are still willing to help the Drahvins,
who intend to either take their ship or the TARDIS. The Doctor uses
the TARDIS's power to jump-start the Rill ship, and they escape. One
of the Rills' robots, which Vicki calls Chumblies, sacrifices itself
so that The Doctor and his companions may also get away.
The Myth Makers |
Location: Troy |
Date: 1184 BC |
The TARDIS lands near the
city of Troy just as Achilles kills Hector. The Greek warrior hails
The Doctor as Zeus, and insists that he accompany him back to the
Greeks' camp. Odysseus does not believe in The Doctor's divinity and
challenges him to come up with a plan to defeat the Trojans, giving
him two days to do so. Steven ends up in Greek armor, and is
captured by the Trojans. The TARDIS is dragged into the city, and
when Vicki emerges from it she's hailed as a prophet, and renamed
Cressida. While she's flirting with Troilus, Steven is brought in
and blows her cover. They're locked up, and Vicki has two days to
come up with a way to beat the Greeks. The Doctor, who's been unable
to come up with a better idea, suggests that the Greeks build the
Trojan Horse (which he believes was something Homer came up with to
embellish the story) and the warriors go for it. Steven is badly
wounded in the final battle, and Vicki, who's decided to stay behind
with Troilus, asks Katarina, a servant of the prophetess Cassandra,
to help him. The bewildered girl joins the crew of the TARDIS, which
she believes is The Doctor's temple. The Doctor allows Vicki to retain the "Time Lord gift" for understanding languages (The Masque of Mandragora)
so she can communicate with Troilus.
The Daleks' Master Plan |
Locations: See below |
Dates: See below |
The Doctor
doesn't have an adequate medical supply and hopes their next
landing is on an advanced world, since Steven will die without
proper treatment. The TARDIS arrives in 4000 AD on the planet
Kembel, where The Doctor finds a recording left behind by Space
Security Agent Marc Cory, and learns that the Daleks have formed an
alliance to conquer the galaxy. Bret Vyon, sent to investigate
Cory's disappearance, has the medicine Steven needs. The Doctor
infiltrates a meeting of the alliance, and learns that Mavic Chen,
Guardian of the Solar System, has given the Daleks a mineral called
taranium, which they intend to use to power a weapon called the Time
Destructor. The Doctor steals the power core and flees in Chen's
spaceship with Vyon, Steven and Katarina (they're cut off from the
TARDIS). The ship is forced down on the prison planet Desperus, and
an escaped prisoner gets aboard and takes Katarina hostage. The girl
has seen the airlock operated, and knowing The Doctor must warn
Earth about the Daleks, sacrifices herself, also killing the
prisoner. It is the first time that The Doctor has lost a companion,
but while shaken, he's determined that her death will not be in vain. They arrive on Earth,
but Chen has beaten them there, and orders agent Sara Kingdom to
track down the traitors. She kills Vyon, and corners The Doctor and
Steven in a room which houses an experimental transmat system. They
are sent to the jungle planet Mira, and in the course of their
escape from the native Visians, Sara comes to believe their story.
She also reveals that Bret Vyon was her brother, and vows revenge
against Chen for causing his death. They board a Dalek craft sent
after them, and The Doctor makes a convincing duplicate of the
taranium core. When they return to Kembel, he exchanges it for safe passage to the TARDIS. The Doctor has
bought them time, though he knows the Daleks will resume their
pursuit once they discover the deception. After stops in Liverpool
on Christmas Day 1965, where they repair the TARDIS scanner, London
on New Year's Day 1966, a cricket match between England and
Australia, and in 1920s Hollywood, The Doctor discovers that they
are being followed. They land on the planet Tigus, where they learn
that their pursuer is The Monk, who's finally repaired his TARDIS.
He tries to prevent The Doctor from entering his own TARDIS by
blocking its lock with a force field, but The Doctor bypasses the
force field using his ring. The travelers land in Egypt during the
building of the pyramids (circa 2600 BC), pursued by The Monk, Mavic
Chen, and his Dalek allies. The Doctor is forced to hand over the
real taranium core, but manages to escape, and has again bought them
time by disguising The Monk's TARDIS to look like his own. He also
steals The Monk's directional circuit, and pilots the TARDIS back to
Kembel (the circuit burns out because it's from a later model
TARDIS). They are captured, but The Doctor gets to the Time
Destructor when Chen finally snaps and is exterminated by the
Daleks. He sends Sara and Steven to the TARDIS, but she comes back
to make sure he escapes, and is aged to death before The Doctor's
eyes. The Daleks are destroyed, and the Time Destructor crumbles
when the taranium core burns out.
The Massacre |
Locations: Paris, London |
Dates: 1572, 1966 |
The TARDIS arrives in Paris on August 19, 1572,
just before the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre of the Huguenots
ordered by Catherine de Medici. The Doctor goes to visit apothecary
Charles Preslin, after telling Steven to stay out of religion and
politics. Steven becomes involved in both when he rescues a young
servant named Anne Chaplette, who's overheard plans for the coming
slaughter. He encounters the Abbot of Amboise, an exact double of
The Doctor, and follows him. When the Abbot is killed, Steven
believes that he's stranded in the 16th century. The Doctor,
meanwhile, sends Preslin to Germany so that he may continue his
medical research, and has a pair of detours on
his way back to meet Steven (see next entry). The Doctor
refuses to interfere in history by taking Anne to safety in the
TARDIS, and he and Steven leave as the massacre begins. The TARDIS
materializes in 1966 London, and an angry Steven leaves The Doctor
alone for the first time since his departure from Gallifrey with
Susan. A young girl named Dorothea (Dodo) Chaplet mistakes the
TARDIS for a real police box, and enters the ship seeking help for
an accident she's witnessed. Steven returns to the TARDIS after he
calms down, and after seeing that the police have the accident in
hand, Dodo, an orphan who may be one of Anne Chaplette's descendants, joins the TARDIS crew.
The Three Doctors and The Five Doctors |
Locations: See below |
Dates: Not Applicable |
The Doctor walks through a garden on his way back to the
TARDIS, he is taken from his timeline by order of the
President of the High Council of Time Lords. The President needs him
to keep his next two incarnations focused while they deal with a
Gallifreyan from the Old Time who wants revenge on the Time Lords.
There's not enough power to transport him to the scene, and he is
suspended in the Time Vortex in a protective capsule. His advice
helps The Second and Third Doctors save Gallifrey (The Three
Doctors). As he resumes his journey, The Doctor senses that he's
being sought by a time scoop, a remnant of the ancient Game of
Rassilon. He's unable to escape, and finds himself in a set of
mirrored corridors, where he's reunited with an older Susan. The
Doctor tricks a pursuing Dalek into destroying itself, and they find
they're in the Death Zone on Gallifrey. They find the TARDIS while
on their way to the Tomb of Rassilon, and meet its current
occupants, Tegan Jovanka, Turlough, and The Fifth Doctor. When The
Fifth Doctor disappears on his way to the Tomb, The Doctor and Tegan
go in his place, encountering Cybermen and The Master (who's changed
so much The Doctor doesn't recognize him) on the way. The Doctor,
with his second and third selves, translates an inscription which
gives them a clue to what's at stake. The Doctor realizes how to
deal with the renegade Time Lord who brought them there, and
Rassilon returns everyone to their proper timelines (The Five
Doctors). Although The Doctor remembers some
details of these adventures, many of these events are erased from
his memory when he's returned to his own time stream. 
The Ark |
Locations: The Ark, Refusis 2 |
Dates: Unknown |
In the distant future, the TARDIS
arrives on a starship transporting the people of Earth to a new home
following the planet's destruction when its sun goes supernova. The
ship also contains specimens of Earth's flora and fauna, and is
primarily operated by an intelligent race of mute alien slaves
called Monoids. Dodo has a cold, for which these humans have no
resistance (the cold was cured late in the 20th century). The Doctor
recreates the cure and they leave, though The Doctor is worried
about the humans' final fate. The TARDIS itself decides to find out,
and it materializes on the Ark 700 years later. The cold virus
returned after the crew's departure, and the Monoids, who've gained
the power of speech in the intervening years, overthrew their
weakened masters. The Ark has arrived at its destination, Refusis 2,
and with help from the planet's invisible, intangible natives, The
Doctor makes peace between the humans and Monoids, and leaves them
on their new world.
The Celestial Toymaker |
Location: The Toymaker's Domain |
Date: Not Applicable |
The TARDIS is taken out of the space-time continuum by The
Doctor's old adversary, the Toymaker, who wants The Doctor to play
games with him for the rest of time. The Doctor is forced to play
the trilogic game, and is handicapped by the Toymaker taking away
his voice and physical form, forcing him to make his moves using
mental energy. Dodo and Steven are forced to play a series of deadly
games in order to find the real TARDIS, which The Toymaker has
duplicated. They succeed just as The Doctor, whose physical form has
been returned, arrives at the last move, but the immortal Toymaker
has rigged the game so that making the move will destroy both his
domain and the TARDIS, while he will merely move on and start again.
The Doctor manages to make the last move from the safety of the
TARDIS by impersonating the Toymaker's voice, but as they
dematerialize he is stricken by a toothache.
The Gunfighters |
Location: Tombstone, Arizona |
Date: October 1881 |
The TARDIS arrives in Tombstone shortly before
the legendary Gunfight at the OK Corral. The crew adopt the aliases
Doctor Caligari, Steven Regret, and Miss Dodo Dupont, and The Doctor
finds a local dentist named Doc Holliday to extract his tooth. In a
comedy of errors, The Doctor is initially mistaken for the notorious
gunfighter Holliday, is arrested by Marshal Wyatt Earp, and
eventually becomes a deputy sheriff who refuses to carry a gun.
While The Doctor doesn't feel that interfering in the fight is
important enough to cause serious damage to history, in the end he
is unable to prevent events from following their appointed course.
The Savages |
Location: Unknown |
Date: Unknown |
The Doctor
and his companions arrive on an unidentified planet with advanced
technology, where the ruling Elders have been watching his journeys
(possibly with a version of the time-space visualizer). They wish to
honor The Doctor, who they call "The Traveler from Beyond Time", but
when he learns that the source of their power is a process which
drains life energy from the Savages, a primitive tribe, he objects
and is taken prisoner. Jano, the leader of the Elders, drains some
of The Doctor's life force, absorbing his ethics in the process.
With help from Steven and the Savages, he destroys the machinery
which performs the procedure, and suggests that his people and the
Savages work together. Neither side has a leader whom the other will
accept, and The Doctor suggests that Steven, who's impressed both
factions, is the ideal candidate for their new leader.
The War Machines |
Location: London |
Dates: July 12-20, 1966 |
The TARDIS arrives in London on July 12, 1966,
and The Doctor senses evil coming from the newly finished Post
Office Tower. After a couple of stops (see next
entry) he and Dodo go to the Tower and meet Professor Brett
and his secretary, Polly. Brett is the creator of a computer called
WOTAN (for Will Operating Thought ANalogue), a machine so advanced
that it is not only able to decipher the meaning of the word
"TARDIS", but has actually become sentient. WOTAN takes control of
Brett, and intends to build a race of War Machines to rule mankind,
with The Doctor's help. The Doctor attends a scientific conference
and meets Sir Charles Summer, while Dodo goes with Polly to a club
called The Inferno, where they are befriended by a sailor named Ben
Jackson, who's on a six-month shore posting. Dodo gets a phone call
which puts her under WOTAN's control, but The Doctor manages to
break the control after WOTAN attempts to recruit him, and she is
sent away to recuperate. Polly and Ben are captured and forced to
work on the War Machines, but Ben escapes and alerts The Doctor, who
discovers a way to defeat the first one. He realizes that WOTAN will
adapt, and that the next machine can't be beaten the same way. With
the help of Sir Charles, he manages to capture and reprogram one of
the robots, and sends it to attack WOTAN. Ben rescues Polly, the
menace is defeated, and Brett, who remembers nothing of the ordeal,
is saved. The Doctor returns to the TARDIS to wait for Dodo. Ben and
Polly arrive with the news that she's decided to remain behind, and
as The Doctor is preparing for departure, they realize they've
forgotten to give him Dodo's key. They enter the TARDIS just as The
Doctor prepares to take off for his next journey.
Unrecorded Events |
Location: London |
Date: July 12, 1966 |
Before visiting Brett, The Doctor, who hasn't paid an
extended visit to Earth since his departure from 1963 with Susan,
Ian, and Barbara, goes to the mortuary where he left the Hand of
Omega and learns that soon after he left, the casket was claimed by
another man who called himself The Doctor. He visits the cafe near
Totter's Lane and learns that the wife of the owner, Harry
Hackenschmidt (Planet of the Spiders), gave birth to twins
soon after his departure (Remembrance of the Daleks). Harry
gives The Doctor an envelope containing a note from a future Doctor,
who explains that he's taken care of "unfinished business", and a
set of credentials signed by Group Captain Gilmore, which will give
The Doctor access to Brett, other scientists, and government
The Smugglers |
Location: Cornwall |
Date: circa 1680 |
arrives on the coast of Cornwall, and the disbelieving Ben and Polly
soon find themselves, and The Doctor, involved with pirates who are
looking for the lost treasure of the famous buccaneer Avery. The
Doctor learns a rhyme from the local church warden, who's
subsequently murdered, which tells him the location of the treasure.
Complicating matters is the presence of a smuggling ring controlled
by the local squire, and the travelers are caught in the conflict
between the two factions. They are saved by the arrival of the
militia, who attack the pirates, and during the fight, The Doctor,
Ben and Polly make their way back to the TARDIS.
The Tenth Planet |
Location: Antarctica |
Date: December 1986 |
 The TARDIS lands at a space tracking outpost near the
South Pole. The base has been experiencing a power drain, and its
commander, General Cutler, has little patience with the intruders.
The Doctor is feeling weak, and baffles Polly with the comment that
"this old body is wearing a bit thin". The base is tracking an
object which The Doctor identifies as Earth's twin world, Mondas,
the legendary tenth planet propelled from the solar system centuries
ago. Mondas is the source of the energy drain, which causes the loss
of a spacecraft. The base is attacked by a force of Cybermen, the
formerly human inhabitants of Mondas, who have replaced most of
their organic parts with machinery during the long return home.
Though he's aware of
Mondas, The Doctor apparently doesn't remember his previous
encounter with the Cybermen (The Five Doctors). Mondas is dying, and the Cybermen intend to drain
Earth's energy to replenish it. They also intend to take the Earth's
inhabitants for conversion into Cybermen. Cutler, who's trying to
launch a bomb to destroy Mondas, cracks up when his son's space
capsule is apparently destroyed by the power drain, and is killed by
the Cyberleader. The Cybermen want the bomb disarmed, and take Polly
hostage on their ship. After he warns Ben that the aliens intend to
use the bomb to destroy Earth, The Doctor also is taken hostage.
Mondas is destroyed when it absorbs too much energy, and the base
personnel are able to guide the capsule carrying Cutler's son home
safely. Ben heads for the Cybermen's ship, where The Doctor has been
getting progressively weaker. He insists on returning to the TARDIS.
Ben and Polly follow, and watch as The Doctor regenerates for the
first time.
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