
1 - Susan, Ian, Barbara, Vicki, Steven, Katarina, Sara, Dodo 2 - Polly, Ben, Jamie, Victoria, Zoe 3
- The Brigadier, Liz, Sgt. Benton, Jo, Captain Yates 4
- Sarah Jane, Harry, Leela, K-9, Romana, Adric 5
- Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough, Kamelion, Peri, Mel, Ace | |
Susan Foreman |
Arrival: An Unearthly Child |
Departure: The Dalek Invasion of Earth |
Susan is The Doctor's granddaughter. Her real name,
and her parents' identities, are unrecorded, but we do know that she
was born on Gallifrey, and accompanied her grandfather when he left
his home planet. Susan and The Doctor had "many homes" during their
travels, but she never shared her grandfather's wanderlust, and
often expressed the desire to find a home of her own and settle
down. With the help of her schoolteachers, Barbara Wright and Ian
Chesterton, she began to gain a degree of independence from The
Doctor. She fell in love with the young resistance fighter David
Campbell during the crew's adventure on 22nd century Earth, and The
Doctor, knowing she'd be unable to make the decision to leave him,
locked her out of the TARDIS and left her to start the new life
she'd always wanted (The Dalek Invasion of Earth). Susan, now
many years older, was briefly reunited with her grandfather, and met
some of his later incarnations, during the course of their adventure
in the Death Zone on Gallifrey (The Five Doctors).
Ian Chesterton |
Arrival: An Unearthly Child |
Departure: The Chase |
Ian was Susan's science teacher at Coal Hill School
in London. Along with Barbara, he became involved with The Doctor as
a result of their curiosity about Susan. Ian and The Doctor were
frequently at odds, especially during their early adventures, but
developed a mutual respect and affection, though The Doctor often
masked this by pretending that he couldn't remember Ian's name,
calling him "Chatterton" and the like. Ian was a capable fighter,
presumably as a result of military service in the 1950s, and a
valiant comrade. He was knighted by King Richard I during an
adventure in 12th century Palestine (The Crusade). Ian and
Barbara were friends at Coal Hill School, and this relationship
deepened during their adventures. One suspects that when they found
a way to return to London (The Chase) that they stayed
together, if only because there was no one else in their own time
with whom they could share their fantastic adventures.
Barbara Wright |
Arrival: An Unearthly Child |
Departure: The Chase |
Barbara was Susan's history teacher, and it was her
insistence on solving the mystery of this "unearthly child" that led
Ian to accompany her to Susan's home, and began the series of
adventures they shared with The Doctor. Barbara initially found it
difficult to accept that she was unable to make major changes in the
lives of those she met in Earth's past (The Aztecs), and it
may be this trait, along with her level-headed quality, which most
endeared her to The Doctor. During their travels, Barbara was
largely responsible for a gradual mellowing of The Doctor's attitude
toward ordinary humans. Barbara herself began to loosen up as time
passed, and progressed from being fearful (but stoic) to genuinely
enjoying her adventures. She and Ian left together, and one can hope
that they lived happily ever after.
Vicki |
Arrival: The Rescue |
Departure: The Myth Makers |
Vicki was born in the late 25th century, and joined
the TARDIS crew after being shipwrecked on the planet Dido (The
Rescue). At first, The Doctor treated her as something of a
substitute for Susan, but as they came to know each other, he began
to appreciate Vicki's own qualities, especially her eagerness to
experience the adventures he had to offer her. It was Vicki who
convinced him, against his initial misgivings, to attempt to use the
Daleks' time machine to return Barbara and Ian to their own time,
and she soon came to treat their new companion Steven almost as an
older brother. Vicki eventually fell in love with the Trojan warrior
Troilus, and after making sure that Steven and The Doctor would be
cared for, left the TARDIS crew for what must have proved the
greatest adventure of her life (The Myth Makers).
Steven Taylor |
Arrival: The Chase |
Departure: The Savages |
Steven was a pilot in Earth force who crashed on
the planet Mechanus and was imprisoned by its inhabitants, the
robotic Mechanoids. For many months his only companion was his
mascot, a stuffed panda called Hi-Fi, and he was delighted to meet
The Doctor, Ian, Barbara, and Vicki. After they escaped from the
Mechanoid city, he went back to retrieve Hi-Fi, but managed to get
to the safety of the TARDIS before its departure (The Chase,
The Time Meddler). Steven remained with The Doctor during one
of the most difficult periods of his journeys, when two of their
companions died helping to defeat the menace of the Daleks (The
Daleks' Master Plan). While Steven respected The Doctor, he had
a mind of his own. He often questioned The Doctor's decisions, most
notably when The Doctor refused to risk altering history during the
St. Bartholomew's Day massacre in Paris. He actually left The Doctor
for a brief time, but soon rejoined him, and was pleased to learn
that their newest companion, Dodo, was descended from the family of
a girl who'd befriended him in Paris. Steven eventually left The
Doctor to assume the role of leader of an alien society (The
Savages), and his courage and convictions surely qualified him for that role.
Katarina |
Arrival: The Myth Makers |
Death: The Daleks' Master Plan |
Katarina was a handmaiden of the Trojan princess
Cassandra, who helped get the wounded Steven into the TARDIS during
the fall of Troy (The Myth Makers). During her brief
adventures with The Doctor, she helped Steven get medical aid from
Space Security Agent Bret Vyon, and, knowing that The Doctor needed
to warn Earth about an impending Dalek assault, sacrificed her life
in order to prevent an escaped convict from stopping him.
Sara Kingdom |
Arrival: The Daleks' Master Plan |
Death: The Daleks' Master Plan |
Sara was a Space Security Agent assigned to kill
The Doctor, Steven, and Bret Vyon. While she succeeded in killing
Bret, her brother, she soon learned that the orders she had been
given were intended to prevent The Doctor and Steven from fighting
the Daleks. She joined the crew, and aided The Doctor against the
Daleks. Sara died heroically while making sure that The Doctor's
plan to defeat the alien menace succeeded (The Daleks' Master Plan).
Dorothea "Dodo" Chaplet |
Arrival: The Massacre |
Departure: The War Machines |
Dodo was a young orphan who entered the TARDIS by
accident, believing it to be a real police box (The
Massacre). Her adventures included a visit to the far future,
where she inadvertently reintroduced the human race to the common
cold, which had been cured in the late 20th century (The
Ark). She also traveled to the domain of the Celestial Toymaker,
and was with The Doctor during his adventure at the O.K. Corral
(The Gunfighters). Following Steven's departure, she and The
Doctor returned to her own time, and she was taken over by the
sentient computer WOTAN, which wanted her help to enslave The
Doctor. After The Doctor successfully freed her from WOTAN's
influence, Dodo, who wasn't really cut out for the adventurous life
of a companion, chose to remain in her own era (The War
| |