 "That takes me back. Or forward. That's the trouble with time travel, you can never remember"
The Doctor's Post-Graduate Adventures |
None of the other Academy graduates with whom
we're most familiar have claimed to hold doctoral degrees. The
Master's alias, at least, would seem to suggest that they didn't
pursue advanced studies, and it seems unlikely that any of The
Doctor's other known classmates did either (Runcible became a video
anchorman, Drax barely graduated, and The Rani's researches were
interrupted by the incident which led to her exile). Romana was
pursuing an advanced degree and once threatened to use The Doctor
as a case-study for her thesis (The Ribos Operation), but
these studies were interrupted when she left Gallifrey. The Doctor,
on the other hand, obviously must have continued their education
following their graduation from The Academy, since they have described
themself as "a doctor of many things" (Revenge of the
Cybermen). Many of their early adventures took place during these
years. Although The Doctor would certainly have used a later model
TARDIS during this period, one which could be piloted accurately,
their natural tendency to wander suggests that their adventures at this
time had the same random quality as those which have been more
thoroughly documented.
Around 330 BC, The
Doctor met Pyrrho, the founder of skepticism (The Keys of
Marinus) and Alexander the Great (Robot); they learned the
art of spear fighting during this visit (The Curse of
The Doctor learned Venusian Aikido, a
martial art that few two-armed beings have mastered (Inferno,
Day of the Daleks, and others; The Seventh Doctor favored a
more subtle version of Aikido which involved applying a single
finger: Survival), gained a pilot's license for the Mars to
Venus rocket run, and visited Alpha Centauri, where they played table
tennis with the six-armed natives (Robot)
The Doctor met King Edward VII of England
during His Majesty's state visit to Paris in 1903 (Inferno);
they also visited the Louvre (City of Death), and met Marie
Curie (Doctor Who TVM)
On a visit to the planet Delphon, The
Doctor learned to communicate using their eyebrows (Spearhead from
Sometime around 1860 The Doctor met
English scientist Thomas Huxley (Logopolis)
The Doctor witnessed Victoria's
coronation in 1837 (The Curse of Peladon); they met radical
reformer and publisher Harry Hetherington (Planet of the
Spiders) and engineer Sir Marc Brunel (The Two Doctors)
at this time
Around 1800, The Doctor told Napoleon
that "an army marches on its stomach" (Day of the Daleks);
during this same period they visited England, where they became a close
friend of Lord Horatio Nelson (The Sea Devils)
During Earth's Second World War, The
Doctor heard Hitler speak (The Mind of Evil), visited the
German naval cipher room, and apparently
met Prime Minister Winston Churchill and the head of the British
Secret Service, whose signatures they would later forge to establish
their credentials (The Curse of Fenric)
In the late 7th or early 8th century, The
Doctor caught a huge salmon in the river Fleet, which they shared with
the Venerable Bede (The Talons of Weng-Chiang)
At a time soon after the creation of the
universe, The Doctor had their first encounter with the Gods of
Ragnarok (The Greatest Show in the Galaxy)
In 1927, The Doctor saw a chess match
between Capablanca and Alekhine (The Androids of
Early in the 14th century, The Doctor
visited Switzerland, where William Tell taught them how to use a
crossbow (The Face of Evil); following this, The Doctor
traveled to Italy, where they met Dante Alighieri (The Two
Around 1605, The Doctor shared a cell in
the Tower of London with Sir Walter Raleigh, who "kept going on about this new vegetable he'd discovered" (The Mind of
The Doctor saw a Raston Warrior robot,
"the most perfect killing machine ever invented" (The Five
Around 220 BC, The Doctor met Hannibal
(Robot), and made their first visit to Rome (The
Early in the 1760s, The
Doctor was with James Watt when he discovered steam power (The
Space Museum)
The Doctor made their first visit to the
planet Dido (The Rescue)
In the 1890s, John L. Sullivan gave The
Doctor lessons in pugilism (Carnival of Monsters), a skill
which The Doctor passed on to The Mountain Mauler of Montana (The
Around 1550, The Doctor visited Salon,
France, and met Nostradamus, whose wife, "a witty little knitter",
made The Doctor a long multi-colored scarf (The Ark in
The Toymaker attempted to involve The
Doctor in his games (The Celestial Toymaker)
The Doctor visited the peaceful planet
Dulkis for the first time (The Dominators)
Around 1940, The Doctor met Albert
Einstein for the first time (The Stones of Blood) and
also encountered American presidential advisor Harry Hopkins
(Planet of the Spiders)
Sometime in the 3rd or 4th century, The
Doctor met the Vandals, and they later remember them as "quite decent chaps" (Invasion of the Dinosaurs)
In the early 18th century, The Doctor met
the Duke of Marlborough (The Android Invasion)
A study of agriculture (Colony in
Space) led to The Doctor becoming president of the Galactic
Flora Society (The Seeds of Doom); during this period they
befriended the noted agronomist Arthur Stengos (Revelation of the
The Doctor was with composer Giacomo
Puccini when he died in Brussels on November 29, 1924 (Doctor Who
In 1558, The Doctor attended the
coronation of Elizabeth I (The Curse of Peladon)
In an adventure whose other details are
unknown, The Doctor encountered zombies and learned that their skin
is cold to the touch (Destiny of the Daleks)
On 51st century Earth, The Doctor
witnessed the villainy of Magnus Greel, "The Butcher of Brisbane",
and the Peking Homunculus; they were with the Filipino army during
their final advance on Reykjavik, Iceland, and stayed on Earth to
witness an exodus from the planet (The Talons of Weng-Chiang,
The Invisible Enemy)
The Doctor visited Seville, Spain, some
time after the completion of the Giralda, a cathedral bell tower
finished in 1519; since The Second Doctor seems
to be familiar with the city's restaurants in 1985 (The Two
Doctors), this visit was probably in the late 20th
On a visit to Vienna around 1920, The
Doctor met Sigmund Freud (Doctor Who TVM) and saw the classic
silent film The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (they later use this
name as an alias: The Gunfighters); during this visit The
Doctor also met Harry Houdini, who taught them escape tricks
(Planet of the Spiders, Revenge of the Cybermen,
The Greatest Show in the Galaxy)
The Doctor traveled to worlds with
technology more advanced than Gallifrey's (The Deadly
During a visit to London in 1830, The
Doctor became a founding member of the Royal Geographic Society
(Ghost Light); during this same time, they also visited
Denmark, where they gave Hans Christian Andersen the idea for "The Emperor's New Clothes" (The Romans)
The Doctor learned the tarot (The
Smugglers), studied voice mimicry (The Enemy of the
World, The Masque of Mandragora), learned safecracking
and Morse code, and attended a circus (Terror of the
In 1958 Cambridge, The Doctor visited the
retired Time Lord who calls himself Professor Chronotis
The Doctor learned to play golf,
practicing enough that they are able to putt while blindfolded (The
Sea Devils)
During their first visit to the Det Sen
monastery in Tibet (The Abominable Snowmen), The Doctor
learned yoga and various hypnotic techniques (Terror of the
Zygons, The Hand of Fear, Four to Doomsday,
Battlefield, and others); they also learned to speak Tibetan
(Planet of the Spiders), an ability which was apparently lost
as a side effect of their third regeneration (The Creature from the
The Doctor learned "vortex walking",
which enables one to briefly survive in the time vortex, from a
space-time mystic in the Quantocks (Shada)
Sometime around 1500,
The Doctor met Christopher Columbus (The Two Doctors)
The Doctor took lessons in juggling
(The Talons of Weng-Chiang, The Greatest Show in the
Galaxy), tap dancing (Talons), and singing
(Talons, Black Orchid, The Happiness Patrol),
which they studied with soprano Nellie Melba, who taught them to hit a
note which can shatter glass (The Power of Kroll)
The Doctor visited the holiday planets
Florana (Invasion of the Dinosaurs, Death to the
Daleks), Cassiopeia (The Seeds of Doom), and Halergan 3
(The Ribos Operation); they also visited the planet Magla, an
"8000 mile wide amoeba that's grown a crusty shell" (Destiny of
the Daleks)
During a visit to the Crimea in 1854, The
Doctor witnessed the Charge of the Light Brigade (The Evil of the
Daleks); they were wounded (The Sea Devils), and were
subsequently treated by Florence Nightingale (The Masque of
The Doctor trained as a deep-sea diver,
and learned how to operate a hovercraft (The Sea
During an extended visit to England in
the 1660s, The Doctor dropped an apple on Isaac Newton's head, and
later, over dinner, discussed gravity with him (The Pirate
Planet, Shada), met John Aubrey, an English scholar who
claimed to have invented Druidism as a joke (The Stones of
Blood), and Izaak Walton, author of The Compleat Angler
(The Androids of Tara, The Two Doctors); in London in
early September 1666, The Doctor met Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pepys (she
made excellent coffee), and was apparently blamed for, or at least
suspected of, starting the Great Fire (Planet of the Spiders,
Robot, Pyramids of Mars; ironically, The Fifth Doctor
was later partially responsible for the fire: The Visitation)
The Doctor visited the Eye of Orion
(The King's Demons, The Five Doctors)
In the late 21st century The Doctor met
Professor Stein, the inventor of the CET machine (Nightmare of
The Doctor was wounded during the battle
of Gallipoli in 1915 (The Sea Devils)
In Crete, The Doctor helped Theseus fight
the Minotaur, but forgot to remind him to raise the white sail of
his ship, the signal that all was well, on his return to Athens
(The Creature from the Pit, The Horns of Nimon)
The Doctor visited Pandatorea, where they
fished for gumblejacks (The Two Doctors)
On July 29, 1588, The Doctor was playing
a game of bowls with Francis Drake when Drake received word of the
sighting of the Spanish Armada (Four to Doomsday)
The Doctor defeated Fenric in 3rd century
Constantinople (The Curse of Fenric); during this visit they
bought a hookah, which they later used as part of a ruse to evade the
Chancellery Guards on Gallifrey (The Deadly Assassin)
During an extended
visit to 1880s Earth, The Doctor saw the eruption of Krakatoa
(Inferno), learned fire walking in Bali (The Armageddon
Factor), dined at a restaurant in the Khyber Pass (Ghost
Light), learned conjuring tricks (Colony in Space),
taking sleight-of-hand lessons from illusionist John Maskelyne
(The Ribos Operation), met Alexander Graham Bell (The
Android Invasion), and visited Blackpool (Underworld); they
spent enough time in London to become quite familiar with the city
(The Talons of Weng-Chiang, Resurrection of the
Daleks); following a visit to Aberdeen (Underworld), they
moved to Edinburgh and studied medicine with Joseph Lister until
1888 (The Moonbase); their studies were
completed, but before they received their diploma, they were recalled to
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