 "There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things - things which act against everything that we believe in. They must be fought"
The Second Doctor: The Cosmic Hobo |
Even though they witnessed his regeneration,
Polly and Ben have trouble believing that the scruffy-looking
stranger who's now in charge of the TARDIS is really The Doctor.
Like his predecessor, The Second Doctor has an insatiable curiosity
and a wide range of knowledge, but it often seems as if that's all
they have in common. This Doctor usually hides his wisdom behind a
comical veneer and is content to have people underestimate him. He
rarely volunteers information without being asked, and when he does
it often seems to bear no relation to the problem at hand, at least
at first glance. While he has great affection for his companions, he
is not above manipulating them if it suits his purposes. He has very
little patience with, or respect for, authority and is certainly the
most anarchistic of all the incarnations. The Second Doctor rarely
engages in violence, preferring to let his male companions handle
the action. He seems more certain than any incarnation except The
Seventh Doctor that it is both his duty and his right to interfere,
and he takes great pleasure in doing so. Like all of his
incarnations he is a tireless champion of good, battling a wide
variety of menaces. He's responsible for the end, at least
temporarily, of the evils of the Daleks and the Cybermen. This
Doctor spends little time in the past, and rarely mentions
encounters with historical figures. He spends much of this
incarnation protecting humanity, either on Earth itself, as in his
battles against the Great Intelligence and the Cybermen, or on other
worlds, where he protects Earth's people as they voyage out into the
universe. This is never more apparent than in his last adventure, in
which he must save thousands of human soldiers from an evil fathered
by one of his own people. When it becomes obvious that he must call
on the Time Lords for help, he does not hesitate to do so, and he
then makes a passionate defense for the actions he's taken during
his wanderings. His punishment for his transgressions is an enforced
change of appearance, and exile among the very people he's spent so
much time protecting.
Who IS The Second Doctor? |
The Second Doctor is a short figure, with an unruly moptop
of black hair, and a rubbery face which seldom stays still. His
clothing is both a parody of, and a rebellion against, that of his
earlier form, and looks as if he's slept in it for a few hundred
years. Aside from a tall, rather comical hat which he soon discards,
this Doctor's only fashion accessory is a somewhat grubby pocket
handkerchief. Except for his trusty and frequently tuneless
recorder, which he claims helps him to think (The Power of the
Daleks, The Three Doctors, and others), he lacks his
predecessor's concern with souvenirs and personal possessions, and
he doesn't even notice when he drops his once-treasured ring, which
no longer fits (The Power of the Daleks). He makes up for
this with the amazing assortment of gadgets and junk which he
carries in his apparently bottomless pockets. In addition to the
sonic screwdriver, a tool he begins to carry in this incarnation
(Fury from the Deep), their contents include his 500-Year
Diary (The Tomb of the Cybermen and others), a magnifying
glass, conkers, candy (usually gobstoppers, lemon sherbets, or jelly
babies), an electricity detector, a normal screwdriver, marbles,
pins, and a tuning fork. He also pulls out balls of string,
fireworks, and half-eaten apples, and on at least one occasion
(The Evil of the Daleks) he actually remembers to carry
money. The Second Doctor, a man who firmly believes that "bad laws were made to be broken", is a cosmic hobo who by virtue of his
wisdom and whimsical charm is, quite rightly, "allowed everywhere".
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