 "I use my own special technique - keeping my eyes open and my mouth shut"
The Second Doctor's Adventures Continue |
Companions: Jamie, Victoria Major
Enemies: Cybermen, Yeti, the Great Intelligence, Ice Warriors, Salamander, Sontarans
The Tomb of the Cybermen |
Location: Telos |
Date: Late 25th Century |
 The TARDIS arrives on
Telos, where The Doctor and his companions meet an expedition
seeking the final resting place of the Cybermen, who haven't been
seen for some 500 years. Professor Parry leads the group, but the
real power lies with Erik Klieg and his companion Kaftan, who have
an agenda of their own. The Doctor also seems to have his own plans,
and while he is apparently trying to convince the group to leave the
tomb alone, he's actually helping them get it open. Once they reach
the bottom level Klieg begins to defrost the tombs, which he learns
are a trap to capture beings with high intelligence so they might be
converted into Cybermen. Toberman, Kaftan's servant, is captured,
and the Cybermen begin the conversion process on him. They also use
Cybermats, a sort of foot-long bionic silverfish, to attack the
party. As The Doctor defeats this menace, Klieg and Kaftan appear
with one of the Cyber weapons, intending to use it to dictate terms
to the Cybermen. The Cyber Controller appears to agree, but after he
emerges from the tombs he kills Klieg and Kaftan. The Doctor appeals
to Toberman's remaining humanity and the man fights off the
Controller long enough for The Doctor to reseal the tombs
permanently, or so he hopes.
The Abominable Snowmen |
Location: Tibet |
Date: 1935 |
The TARDIS arrives at the Det Sen monastery in Tibet,
where The Doctor, who has visited on two previous occasions, finds
that the monks are under attack by the Yeti. He produces the holy
ghanta of the monastery, which had been entrusted to him on his last
visit, and convinces the monks that he wishes to help. His old
friend Padmasambhava has been taken over by the Great Intelligence,
an alien being who has been using the robotic Yeti as part of its
plans for the conquest of Earth. Meanwhile, Jamie and Victoria have
become involved with Professor Travers, a scientist who has been
seeking the Yeti, and whose friend has been killed by them. The
Doctor defeats the Intelligence by immobilizing the Yeti robots. As
the travelers are leaving, Travers finally sights a genuine Yeti.
When he leaves Tibet, he takes one of the Yeti robots back to London
as a souvenir (The Web of Fear).
The Ice Warriors |
Location: England |
Date: circa 3000 |
The Doctor, Jamie, and Victoria arrive at the
Britannicus base during an ice age. The base is using a powerful
ionizer to slow down the ice. Embedded in a nearby glacier are
survivors of a Martian expedition, which the humans name Ice
Warriors. Their leader, Varga, captures Victoria and frees the rest
of his crew. The Ice Warriors intend to take over the Earth, using
the ionizer as a weapon. The Doctor, who's concerned about the
effect the ionizer might have on the Martian ship's reactor, manages
to rescue Victoria, and alters the Ice Warriors' sonic cannon to use
against them. Penley, one of the base's scientists, discovers the
Martians' vulnerability to heat, and uses the ionizer as a weapon as
well. The Ice Warriors' ship is destroyed, and the effect of the
reactor explosion is not as bad as The Doctor had feared. The
ionizer, as part of a worldwide network of the devices, stops the
glacier, and The Doctor and his companions leave before the base's
crew can thank them for their help.
The Enemy of the World |
Location: Earth |
Date: Early 21st Century |
The TARDIS lands on an Australian beach, and the
crew find themselves under attack. They are rescued by a helicopter
pilot who takes them to her employer, Giles Kent. He tells them that
The Doctor is a double of a brilliant scientist named Salamander,
inventor of the Sun-Catcher satellite, which is being used to help
alleviate Earth's food shortages. Kent believes that a series of
"natural" disasters are actually the result of Salamander using the
satellite as prelude to his bid for ultimate power. Jamie and
Victoria join Salamander's household and confirm these suspicions,
but are captured as spies. The Doctor impersonates Salamander in
order to rescue them, and also has to deal with Kent, who wants the
power for himself. After his plans are thwarted, Salamander attempts
to impersonate The Doctor and steal the TARDIS, but the ship ejects
the villain into the time vortex, leaving the crew holding on for
their lives as The Doctor attempts to close its doors.
The Web of Fear |
Location: London |
Date: Late 1960s |
The Doctor saves himself and his companions, but
the TARDIS is trapped in the time vortex by a strange web-like
substance. When the ship is finally freed, it materializes in the
London underground (some 30 years after The Abominable
Snowmen). The Yeti robot which Professor Travers brought back
from Tibet has been reactivated, and London is now under siege by an
even more dangerous group of Yeti. Travers and his daughter Anne are
working with Royal Army troops commanded by Colonel Alistair Gordon
Lethbridge-Stewart, and the Professor is happy, though puzzled, to
see his friends, who haven't aged in the intervening years. One of
the soldiers is being controlled by the Great Intelligence, who
captures The Doctor and intends to drain his mind. The Doctor has
reversed the settings of the Intelligence's equipment so it will be
drained of its power, but his friends "rescue" him, and he is forced
to settle for breaking the being's link to Earth.
The Two Doctors |
Locations: Space Station J7, Spain |
Date: 1985 |
After she
receives a telepathic suggestion from the Time Lords, Victoria stays behind on Earth to study
graphology. The Time Lords equip the TARDIS with a dual control
system, and give The Doctor a Stattenheim remote control for the
ship. The Time Lords send The Doctor and Jamie to Space Station J7,
where The Doctor tries to convince his old friend Dastari to halt
dangerous temporal experiments by scientists Kartz and Reimer. The
station is attacked by Sontarans and The Doctor is apparently
killed. Jamie escapes, and is later found by The Sixth Doctor and
his companion Perpugilliam Brown. This Doctor learns that The Second
Doctor's death was a hoax, and traces him to Spain. The Sixth Doctor
rescues his earlier self, and together they stop the temporal
experiments and preserve the Time Lords' secrets.
Missions for the Time Lords |
Locations: See below |
Dates: See below |
The Doctor
and Jamie perform other missions for the Time Lords (probably the Celestial Intervention Agency),
details of which are unknown. They meet Shakespeare, a "dreadful actor" (Planet of Evil) who refuses to accept The Doctor's
advice on mixed metaphors, and The Doctor pens the manuscript of
Hamlet because the Bard has sprained his wrist writing
sonnets (City of Death). The Doctor and Jamie have several
missions in China, and meet Genghis Khan (The Daemons,
Doctor Who TVM), visit the country in the late 15th century
(The Doctor learned to speak Mandarin, Cantonese and other dialects:
The Talons of Weng-Chiang), and, during the Long March of
1935-36, encounter Mao Zedong, who becomes a friend of The Doctor
(The Mind of Evil; it is fortunate that the Chinese official
to whom The Third Doctor mentions this friendship doesn't send The
Doctor's photo to his government, since his changed appearance makes
it unlikely that he'd be believed). During these missions The Doctor
first becomes aware of the Tong of the Black Scorpion (The Talons of Weng-Chiang). Jamie and The Doctor
encounter the Terrible Zodin (The Five Doctors, Attack of
the Cybermen), and they are involved in the
defeat of the Daleks on Mars in the 22nd century (Genesis of the
Daleks). During another mission, The Drogue of
Gabrielides offers an entire star system for The Doctor's head
(The Sun Makers). The Master's desire to destroy The Doctor
also dates from this period (Terror of the Autons, The
Five Doctors). During an adventure in Egypt, a captain in
Cleopatra's guard teaches The Doctor some of the finer points of
fencing (The Masque of Mandragora) and Jamie and The Doctor
visit the Pharos lighthouse (Logopolis). On another mission
to Africa in 1942, The Doctor is wounded at El Alamein (The Sea
Devils). In the 21st century, The Fifteenth Emperor of Draconia
makes The Doctor a noble after he helps cure a space plague
(Frontier in Space). The Doctor and Jamie encounter the
Cybermen on Planet 14 (The Invasion), and are sent to England
in 1638, where a Gallifreyan artifact called Nemesis tells the evil
Lady Peinforte some of The Doctor's secrets. With the Cybermen fresh
in his mind, and knowing that Nemesis might be of further use, The
Doctor launches the artifact into space, and sets an alarm which
later alerts his seventh incarnation to its return (Silver
Nemesis). Following this, the dual controls
are removed from the TARDIS, and Jamie's memory of these events is
erased. The Doctor and Jamie pick up Victoria, who's been thinking
about leaving them.
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