 "Ah, and about time, too!"
The Second Doctor's Early Adventures |
Companions: Ben, Polly, Jamie McCrimmon, Victoria
Waterfield Major Enemies: Daleks, Cybermen, the Macra, Chameleons
The Power of the Daleks |
Location: Vulcan |
Date: circa 2020 |
Polly and Ben have difficulty believing that the
stranger in the TARDIS is The Doctor, and Ben suspects that the man
has somehow switched places with The Doctor they know. While The
Doctor's first regeneration seems less difficult than some of those
to come, there's still some initial instability, and the new
Doctor's comment on one of his predecessor's passions is "The Doctor was a great collector", as if they were separate beings. When he
prepares to leave the TARDIS after it lands on Vulcan, Ben
challenges him for his apparent disregard for the safety precautions
they learned from The First Doctor, only to find that The Doctor has
checked the ship's instruments without them noticing, and that it's
perfectly safe for them to go out. The Doctor witnesses a murder and
assumes the identity of the victim, an Examiner from Earth who's
been sent to check on a discovery made by the chief scientist of the
colony here. The scientist, Lesterson, has found two dormant Daleks
in a rocket which crashed in the planet's mercury swamp, and The
Doctor is horrified to learn that he intends to reactivate them. The
Daleks claim that they only want to serve the colonists, but they
actually intend to use the colony's power to revive other Daleks
hidden on their ship. The Doctor must expose their plans, solve the
murder, and deal with civil unrest in the colony, as well as
convince his companions that he really is The Doctor. He does all
this, defeating the Daleks by sabotaging the colony's power source,
though not before Lesterson and many others are
Unrecorded Adventure |
Location: Tibet |
Date: 1630 |
The TARDIS lands at the Det Sen monastery, and The
Doctor and company help the monks fight off a series of attacks by
bandits. Padmasambhava, the High Lama, entrusts The Doctor with the
monks' ghanta, a bell which is their holy symbol (The Abominable
Highlanders |
Location: Scotland |
Date: 1746 |
The TARDIS arrives in Scotland on April 16, 1746,
just after the Battle of Culloden. The travelers become involved
with a group of fleeing Scots which includes young piper Jamie
McCrimmon. Armed with nothing but his wits, and a series of
disguises which include an old washerwoman and an English soldier,
The Doctor rescues a group of Scottish prisoners who are being sold
into slavery in the West Indies by an unscrupulous English solicitor
named Grey, and arranges for them to flee to France. Jamie, who's
exposed himself to continuing danger from English troops by
remaining behind to escort the travelers back to the TARDIS, is
invited to join the crew provided he teach The Doctor how to play
the bagpipes, a deal which is greeted with groans by Ben and
The Underwater Menace |
Location: Atlantis |
Date: circa 1970 |
The TARDIS lands on a volcanic
island, and the crew are captured by inhabitants of the lost city of
Atlantis. The Doctor learns that scientist Herman Zaroff, who's been
missing since the 1950s, is there, and convinces him to rescue them
from being sacrificed to the Atlantean goddess Amdo. Zaroff intends
to raise the city. The Doctor realizes that this plan will destroy
the planet, and that Zaroff is insane enough not to care. The Doctor
sabotages Zaroff's equipment after the scientist has launched his
plan, and cuts Zaroff off from his control room. The mad scientist
is killed during the ensuing flood, and the world is
The Moonbase |
Location: The Moon |
Date: 2070 |
The Doctor and his companions arrive on Earth's moon, and
find that a mysterious plague has affected several members of the
crew of the Gravitron, a machine which controls Earth's weather. In
addition, other crewmen have disappeared, and the machine itself is
malfunctioning, threatening the Earth with its effects. The Doctor
finds that the plague is caused by contamination of the base's sugar
supply, and discovers that the Cybermen are the source of all the
trouble. Ben and Polly come up with a solvent which will affect the
plastic components of the Cybermen's chest unit, and give the humans
a chance to fight back. The Doctor realizes that his old enemies are
keeping the crew alive because they themselves are vulnerable to the
effects of the Gravitron, and he and the crew reset the machine to
focus on the Moon's surface, sending the Cybermen and their ship
floating helplessly out into space.
The Macra Terror |
Location: Unknown |
Date: Unknown |
The Doctor
and his companions arrive at an unnamed Earth colony which resembles
a holiday camp, where unhappy residents have their attitudes
adjusted so that they'll conform. The Doctor meets Medok, a
dissident who has seen giant crablike creatures. These beings, the
Macra, have taken control of the colony, and are using its
inhabitants to refine the toxic gas which they breathe. The Doctor
and Ben, who was temporarily controlled by the Macra, manage to
thwart their plans, and the travelers leave before the grateful
colonists have the chance to make The Doctor their new leader.
The Faceless Ones |
Location: London |
Date: July 1966 |
The TARDIS materializes on a runway at Gatwick
Airport in London. While hiding from the airport authorities, Polly
witnesses a murder. She and Ben are kidnapped, and The Doctor and
Jamie discover that there have been many other disappearances. With
the help of Samantha Briggs, whose brother is one of the missing
tourists, they trace the victims to a charter company called
Chameleon Tours. The company is operated by a race of aliens who
have lost their identities as the result of a horrible accident, and
who have kidnapped some 50,000 people to serve as templates for
their new forms. The Doctor tracks down the Chameleon infiltrators,
and comes up with an alternative solution to their problem. The
rescued Polly and Ben discover that it's July 20th, the same day
they left Earth with The Doctor (The War Machines) and decide
to remain behind.
The Evil of the Daleks |
Locations: London, Skaro |
Dates: 1966, 1866, Unknown |
The Doctor and Jamie watch helplessly as the TARDIS is
taken from Gatwick Airport. A series of clues (which The Doctor
realizes are bait for a trap) brings them to the antique shop of
Edward Waterfield, whose 19th century items are brand new. In a
hidden room they find the body of a man who was killed by an energy
weapon, and a photograph of The Doctor that couldn't have been taken
on present-day Earth. They're overcome by gas, and awaken in the
home of Theodore Maxtible in the year 1866. Maxtible and Waterfield
have invented a time machine which uses mirrors and static
electricity, and the mention of the power source alerts The Doctor
to the presence of the Daleks, who've detected the experiments and
seek The Doctor's help. The Daleks want to isolate the "Human Factor", a quality they say will improve their race. The Doctor is to perform a series of tests
using Jamie, who's expected to rescue Waterfield's daughter
Victoria, whom the Daleks hold hostage. The Doctor agrees, and when
the tests are done he implants the Human Factor into three Daleks
who begin to exhibit childlike qualities. The Daleks are recalled to
Skaro, and take along Victoria and Maxtible, who expects to learn
how to change lead into gold. They set a bomb to destroy the house
but The Doctor, Jamie, and Waterfield escape using the time machine
and arrive on Skaro (long after The Daleks' Master Plan). The
Doctor meets the Emperor Dalek, who tells him that the true purpose
of the experiment was for the Daleks to learn to reverse its effects
and isolate the Dalek Factor, which will make them invincible. The
Emperor intends to use The Doctor to travel through Earth's history
and inoculate humans with the effect, and has brought the TARDIS to
Skaro for this purpose. Maxtible is turned into a human Dalek, and
The Doctor is scheduled to be next. Meanwhile the humanized Daleks
have disrupted operations by questioning orders, and teaching other
Daleks to do the same. The Doctor is apparently transformed, and
convinces The Emperor that all Daleks must undergo the process so
that the dissidents will be eliminated. The Doctor, not being human,
was not affected by the procedure, and has reversed the machinery so
that more Daleks are humanized. As civil war breaks out, Waterfield
sacrifices his life to save The Doctor, who promises to look after
Victoria. She leaves with Jamie and The Doctor, who hopes that this
is indeed "the final end" of the Daleks.
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