
- Susan, Ian, Barbara, Vicki, Steven, Katarina, Sara, Dodo 2 - Polly, Ben, Jamie, Victoria, Zoe 3 - The Brigadier, Liz, Sgt. Benton, Jo, Captain Yates 4 - Sarah Jane, Harry, Leela, K-9, Romana, Adric 5 -
Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough, Kamelion, Peri, Mel, Ace | |
Nyssa |
Arrival: The Keeper of Traken |
Departure: Terminus |
Nyssa was the daughter of Tremas, one of the
Consuls of Traken. She helped The Fourth Doctor and Adric in their
apparent victory against The Master, but learned soon after being
brought to Logopolis by the mysterious Watcher that the villain had
saved himself by taking over her father's body (The Keeper of
Traken, Logopolis). She was the first of The Doctor's
companions to realize that the Watcher was a future projection of
The Fifth Doctor, and aided the Time Lord's new persona in another
battle against The Master (Castrovalva). Orphaned, and with
her homeworld destroyed by the renegade, she chose to remain with
The Fifth Doctor for a series of adventures which included a meeting
with her double, Ann Talbot, on 1925 Earth (Black Orchid),
and a visit to Gallifrey in which she bravely attempted to prevent
The Doctor from being executed by the High Council (Arc of
Infinity). Her finest hour came in her last adventure, when she
chose to remain on the space station Terminus and use her scientific
abilities to find a cure for the dreaded Lazar's Disease
(Terminus). |
Tegan Jovanka |
Arrival: Logopolis |
Departure: Resurrection of the Daleks |
Tegan was an Australian who was on her way to
Heathrow Airport to begin a job as an airline stewardess when she
and her Aunt Vanessa had a flat tire. Tegan entered the TARDIS,
believing it to be a police box, and was inadvertently taken to
Logopolis by The Fourth Doctor. Despite her grief at the murder of
her aunt by The Master, she proved to be a capable ally during the
crisis of The Doctor's regeneration (Logopolis,
Castrovalva). With the crisis past, however, she wanted to be
returned to Earth as soon as possible, and many of her early
adventures with The Doctor were the result of his inability to steer
the TARDIS back to her own time. During an adventure on the Kinda
homeworld she was possessed by the Mara, an evil being which used
her to cross into the real world, and whose hold wasn't completely
broken until a later adventure on the planet Manussa (Kinda,
Snakedance). Between these adventures, though, she was
finally returned home, only to find that she had lost her job, and
was happy to rejoin The Doctor and Nyssa following their battle
against Omega (Arc of Infinity). She was initially
suspicious, with good reason, of their new companion Turlough, but
had made her peace with him by the time of The Doctor's encounter
with his earlier selves in Gallifrey's Death Zone (The Five
Doctors). Tegan stayed with The Doctor for several more
adventures, but left abruptly after the bloody events of the latest
battle in his ongoing struggle with the Daleks (Resurrection of
the Daleks). |
Turlough |
Arrival: Mawdryn Undead |
Departure: Planet of Fire |
Vislor Turlough was a political exile from
the planet Trion, sentenced to spend his days on Earth in the
English public school at which the retired Brigadier
Lethbridge-Stewart was a teacher. He was recruited by the Black
Guardian, who was seeking revenge against The Doctor. Over the
course of three adventures, Turlough came to realize that The Doctor
was a good man, and ultimately chose to reject the Guardian and
remain with The Doctor (Enlightenment). Turlough, while a bit
devious and underhanded, was a capable companion, providing a
valuable clue in The Doctor's encounter with the Tractators
(Frontios), acquitting himself bravely against the Daleks,
and saving the life of Peri Brown (Planet of Fire). During
this adventure, Turlough was reunited with his brother Malkon, and
chose to return home to Trion after learning that his family's
political crimes had been pardoned. |
Kamelion |
Arrival: The King's Demons |
Death: Planet of Fire |
Kamelion was a shape-shifting android
which helped The Master escape from the planet Xeriphas. The villain
used Kamelion, in the guise of King John, in an attempt to alter
English history (The King's Demons), but was thwarted by The
Doctor, who took the android with him. Kamelion spent most of his
time exploring the TARDIS and learning about its systems. He had a
mind of his own, but could be controlled by a superior intellect.
Sadly, The Master regained control of Kamelion and used him in
another of his convoluted schemes. Kamelion, who realized that his
inability to prevent himself from being used was a constant source
of danger, asked The Doctor to kill him, and the Time Lord
reluctantly complied (Planet of Fire). |
Peri Brown |
Arrival: Planet of Fire |
Departure: The Trial of a Time Lord |
Perpugilliam Brown was an American botany student
who became swept up in an adventure with The Doctor and Turlough
during her summer vacation. She helped them against The Master, and
stayed with The Doctor after Turlough's departure (Planet of
Fire). Peri nearly died of spectrox poisoning while a prisoner
of the demented Sharez Jek, but was rescued by The Doctor, who
valiantly sacrificed himself so that she could have the antidote
(The Caves of Androzani). To her, and his surprise, The
Doctor regenerated into a new form, and for a while it seemed that
the unstable Sixth Doctor would be as great a menace to Peri as the
villains she'd already faced (The Twin Dilemma). As The
Doctor settled down, he and Peri became an excellent team, although
his personality quirks continually surprised her. Peri seemed to
spend an inordinate amount of time as an object of desire for the
villains they encountered, whose appetites ranged from the carnal
(Caves, Dilemma, and Timelash) to the
carnivorous (The Two Doctors). Following a series of
adventures which included a run-in with the alien businessman Sil, a
rematch with The Master, and a meeting with The Second Doctor and
Jamie, she and The Doctor became involved in another encounter with
Sil, whose people were funding experiments in brain transfer. The
precise details of this adventure are a subject of some debate,
since the only available information, recordings from the Time Lord
Matrix, were tampered with by The Valeyard, who was, allegedly, a
projection of The Doctor's evil impulses. The recordings shown
during The Doctor's trial indicated that Peri's body was used to
house the brain of Sil's employer Kiv, who was then killed by the
alien warlord Yrcanos, a puppet of the Time Lords. Later testimony
by The Master revealed that Peri survived to become Yrcanos's queen,
and since, for all his faults, The Master seemed to admire Peri's
spirit and determination, it seems likely that this was Peri's true
fate (The Trial of a Time
Lord). |
Melanie Bush |
Arrival: Unrecorded Adventure |
Departure: Dragonfire |
Melanie, usually called Mel, was a computer
programmer from Pease Pottage whose first encounter with The Doctor
(from her viewpoint) is unrecorded. The Doctor's first glimpse of
Mel (from his viewpoint) was in a Matrix projection of a future
adventure in which they battled the Vervoids, an artificial
plant-based lifeform. After The Valeyard used this as evidence
against The Doctor in his trial, Mel, along with Sabalom Glitz, an
alien rogue who'd had a run-in with The Doctor and Peri, were
captured by The Master and produced as witnesses in The Doctor's
behalf. After the trial ended Mel departed with The Doctor, who
returned her to her own timeline (presumably avoiding an encounter
with his future self). Eventually, The Doctor met Mel for the first
time (from her viewpoint), and they shared a series of adventures,
including the one with the Vervoids, before he regenerated into his
seventh persona (Time and The Rani). After accompanying The
Seventh Doctor through his first four adventures, Mel chose to
remain behind on Iceworld to keep an eye on their old friend Sabalom
Glitz (Dragonfire). |
Ace |
Arrival: Dragonfire |
Departure: Unrecorded Adventure |
Ace was a rebellious teenager from Perivale who was
swept up by a timestorm and deposited on Iceworld, where she met
Sabalom Glitz, Mel, and The Seventh Doctor (Dragonfire). Ace,
whose real name was Dorothy, was a budding young anarchist with a
talent for making explosives, most notably the notoriously-unstable
Nitro 9. She adored The Doctor, whom she usually called Professor,
and was of great help to him in a variety of battles including
encounters with the Daleks and Cybermen. The Brig, who met her
during a struggle with the alien sorceress Morgaine, was impressed
enough with her to concede that she was capable of looking after The
Doctor (Battlefield). The Doctor put Ace through a series of
tests designed to make her face her fears and inadequacies, and they
eventually learned that she had been deliberately sent to Iceworld
as a pawn of one of his most ancient enemies (The Curse of
Fenric). With Fenric disposed of, Ace and The Doctor paid a
visit to Perivale, where they became involved in The Master's latest
scheme (Survival). Following The Master's defeat, Ace and The
Doctor headed off for further adventures in the TARDIS, which she
had come to think of as home. At this point, accounts of Ace's
further exploits vary. There's evidence of a visit to Britain in the
18th century, where she sat for a portrait which would later hang in
Windsor Castle (Silver Nemesis), and we definitely know that
Ace left The Doctor before the final adventure of his seventh
persona (Doctor Who TVM). Some historians believe she became
disenchanted with The Doctor and left him to become a mercenary,
though they eventually reconciled before she stayed behind in 19th
century Paris. Others think she died bravely in battle. Yet a third
contingent believes that she was enrolled at the Time Lord academy
in a deliberate attempt by The Doctor to shake things up on his
homeworld. Perhaps The Doctor, who has always maintained his own
mysteries, has deliberately done the same with his beloved protégé,
and even now, somewhere, she fights evil, and faces the universe, on
her own terms. | |