 "Oh please, don't call me human. Just Doctor will do very nicely, thank you"
The Fourth Doctor's Adventures Continue |
Companions and Allies: Sarah Jane, Harry, Benton,
Leela Major
Enemies: Sutekh, Morbius, the Krynoid, the Mandragora Helix, Eldrad, The Master
Pyramids of Mars |
Locations: England, Egypt, Mars |
Date: 1911 |
The TARDIS is pulled off course, and lands in a
priory which occupies the site later used for UNIT HQ. The house
belongs to renowned Egyptologist Marcus Scarman, who's sent back
relics from his latest expedition and placed a caretaker named Namin
in charge. Namin has refused entry to Scarman's friends, but Dr.
Warlock barges in and threatens to call the authorities. Namin sends
his servants, service robots in the guise of mummies, after Warlock,
and The Doctor and Sarah attempt to help. Warlock is wounded. Sarah
finds Laurence Scarman, Marcus's brother, and The Doctor carries Warlock
to his cottage. Namin summons the servitor of Sutekh, who's assumed
Marcus's form, and the servitor kills him. Marcus has discovered the
tomb of Sutekh, last survivor of a powerful alien race called
Osirans who were worshipped as gods by the ancient Egyptians. Sutekh
has been imprisoned for centuries, and the prison is controlled by a
radio beacon transmitted from Mars. Marcus orders the mummies to
build a rocket to destroy the beacon. Warlock is killed by a mummy,
and while The Doctor and Sarah try to bring down the force field
which surrounds the area, Marcus kills Laurence. The Doctor,
disguising himself as a mummy, sets an explosive at the rocket's
base, which Sarah uses a rifle to detonate. Sutekh stops the blast
by mental force, and The Doctor travels to his prison via a
space-time tunnel which is disguised as a mummy case. He distracts
Sutekh, and the rocket explodes, but the "god" takes control of The
Doctor and forces him to take Marcus to Mars. Sarah has stowed away
in the TARDIS, and together they go through the maze of traps which
guards the control center. Marcus destroys the control, but The
Doctor, realizing he has time to reach Earth before the radio signal
cuts out, returns to the priory and sets a trap for Sutekh. The
Osiran is sent forward to the end of time, and dies in the
space-time tunnel. The energy feedback from the tunnel starts a fire
which destroys the priory.
The Android
Invasion |
Locations: Oseidon, England |
Date: 1975 |
arrives near Devesham, which Sarah visited while doing a story. The
Doctor and Sarah are attacked by men in protective suits, and see a
UNIT corporal throw himself off a cliff. The village is deserted but
as they investigate, a group of people, including the dead soldier,
arrive and carry on as if nothing strange is happening. The Doctor
goes to the nearby Space Defense Station, and meets astronaut Guy
Crayford, who has him arrested. Sarah learns that the men in
protective suits are androids, and when she returns to the TARDIS
and inserts the key, the ship dematerializes. She goes to the
Station, and, to her relief, finds The Doctor. She helps him escape,
and as they evade their pursuers (who include Benton and Harry),
Sarah tells The Doctor that Crayford's ship, the XK5, disappeared
two years ago. They split up, and Sarah is captured. Crayford is
working for Styggron, a Kraal scientist who plans to use his
androids to invade Earth. Sarah is duplicated and sent to The
Doctor, but the android gives itself away and The Doctor, who's
realized they're not on Earth, escapes. He returns to the village,
but is captured by Styggron and tied to a column in the village
square. Styggron's tests are completed, and he plans to destroy the
village before he leaves for Earth. Sarah escapes and rescues The
Doctor, and they make it to the Kraal base before the village is
destroyed. They're captured by Crayford, who tells them the Kraals
are dying from the high radiation of their planet, Oseidon. He's
helping them because they rescued him when his ship went off course.
He believes they intend to share Earth with mankind, but Styggron
has developed a virus which will eradicate the planet's inhabitants.
The Doctor and Sarah escape from their cell, and stow away on the
XK5 in pods designed to hold androids. As they reach Earth, they're
ejected from the ship, and go to the real Defense Station, where
Colonel Faraday and crew (including the real Benton and Harry) are
monitoring the return of XK5. After The Doctor fights his own
double, he shuts down the androids. Crayford learns he has been
tricked, and returns to the XK5, where he's killed by Styggron. The
Doctor arrives and attacks the scientist. Styggron falls on his own
virus capsule and dies, just as he shoots The Doctor. The real
Doctor appears and tells Sarah that he reprogrammed his double to
fight Styggron. The TARDIS arrives and they quietly slip
The Brain of Morbius |
Location: Karn |
Date: Unknown |
The Time
Lords divert the TARDIS to Karn, home of the Sisterhood, who share
their "elixir of life" with the Time Lords. The elixir is used to
help in difficult regenerations, but the Sisters use it to make
themselves immortal. The elixir, which comes from heated chemicals
deep in the planet, is running out, and Maren, the Sisterhood's
leader, believes The Doctor plans to steal it for the Time Lords.
The Doctor has actually been sent to investigate Mehendri Solon, a
brilliant surgeon and a follower of Morbius, a renegade Time Lord
who was executed on Karn after attempting to take over Gallifrey.
Solon secretly removed Morbius's brain before the execution, and has
been assembling a body for him, using parts from aliens who've
crashed on the planet (the result of a barrier which the Sisterhood
erected to keep people from stealing the elixir). He intends to use The Doctor's head to house the
brain, but the continuing interference of the Sisterhood (who've
come to trust The Doctor after he discovers the reason for the
elixir's disappearance and repairs it) thwarts him, and he uses a
plastic brain case. Morbius, already mad from years on life support,
is appalled by his patchwork body and leaves Solon's house, killing
one of the Sisters in his rampage. The Doctor and Solon find and
tranquilize him, and The Doctor insists that the body be dismantled,
and the brain returned to Gallifrey. Solon agrees, but instead locks
The Doctor and Sarah in a lab while he tries to stabilize Morbius.
The Doctor makes cyanide gas, which he sends through the ventilation
system, and Solon is killed. Morbius, whose body has "the lungs of a Birastrop", is not affected, and comes to the lab, where The Doctor
goads him into a mind-bending contest, a Time Lord game is which the
contestants force their opponents back through their previous lives.
Morbius appears to win the game, as the faces of the previous
Doctors and a series of earlier incarnations (actually "phantom pasts" created by
The Doctor) appear on the machine's
screen. The Doctor collapses, but the strain of the contest causes
the brain case to overload, and Morbius flees into the night, and
falls to his death. Maren uses the last of the current supply of the
elixir to save The Doctor's life, and passes on. 
The Seeds of Doom |
Locations: Antarctica, England |
Date: Autumn 1976 |
The Doctor
and Sarah are back on Earth, and his help is requested by the World
Ecology Bureau. An alien pod has been found near a research station
in Antarctica, and
after The Doctor decides not to travel in the TARDIS, he and Sarah journey there. They learn that one
of the crew was infected by the pod after it germinated, and is
mutating into a humanoid vegetable. The Doctor identifies the pod as
a Krynoid, a species which overruns entire planets, wiping out all
animal life, and finds another pod after he remembers that the
Krynoid travel in pairs. Complicating matters is the arrival of two
men, Scorby and Keeler, who've been sent by millionaire Harrison
Chase, who's been informed of the discovery by a corrupt politician.
Despite warnings of the danger, they steal the remaining pod and
blow up the station. The Doctor and Sarah survive and return to
London, where, aided by Sir Colin Thackeray and the eccentric floral
artist Amelia Ducat, they trace the stolen pod to Chase's mansion.
Chase wants to see the effect of the pod on a human, and
the captured Sarah is to be the subject of the experiment. The
Doctor rescues her, and Keeler is infected. Chase feeds the
Keeler/Krynoid hybrid, which grows rapidly. The Doctor escapes and
goes to the Bureau, where he hears that plants have been taken over
by the Krynoid, and people are being killed. He and Major Beresford
of UNIT return to Chase's house, equipped with the latest defoliant,
which proves ineffectual against the menace. Chase is killed in a
struggle with The Doctor, becoming the victim of his own compost
machine, and Scorby is strangled by vines. The Krynoid has grown
large enough to crush Chase's mansion, but Beresford calls in the
RAF, and they bomb the house, killing the Krynoid. With the menace
over, The Doctor and Sarah decide to take a holiday on Cassiopeia,
but have an unexpected stopover in Antarctica because The Doctor
forgot to reset the TARDIS controls.
The Masque of Mandragora |
Location: San Marino, Italy |
Date: Late 15th Century |
The Doctor
and Sarah are exploring the TARDIS, and Sarah finds a wood-paneled
console room she's never seen (the presence of a recorder indicates it was used by The
Second Doctor, probably during his missions for the Time Lords).
The Doctor resets the controls, and
the external doors, so he can operate the TARDIS from this console
room. The ship is sucked in by the Mandragora Helix, an intelligent
energy being, which infiltrates the TARDIS without The Doctor's
knowledge. They arrive in the Dukedom of San Marino, where Sarah is
soon captured by followers of the banned Cult of Demnos, and The
Doctor learns that he's inadvertently brought Helix energy to Earth.
The old Duke has just died, the victim of the ambition of his brother Count Federico, who
plans to have his nephew, Guiliano, meet a similar fate. His
astrologer, Hieronymous, is secretly the leader of the cult, and is
taken over by the Helix energy. The Doctor rescues Sarah, but is
unable to convince Federico of the danger from beyond the stars.
Guiliano and his friend Marco are more sympathetic to his claims,
and the young Duke, an amateur scientist, has planned a meeting of
learned men, including Leonardo DaVinci. Sarah is recaptured, and
Hieronymous hypnotizes her and orders her to kill The Doctor, who
realizes her mind has been affected when she asks how she's able to
understand Italian (having always taken the "Time Lord gift I allow you to share" for granted). He breaks the hypnosis, but Hieronymous
escapes. Federico imprisons Marco, Guiliano, and Sarah, and goes
with The Doctor to confront the astrologer, who kills him with a
blast of Helix energy. The Doctor escapes and frees the others. With
Guiliano's help, he gets the equipment he needs to drain away the
Helix energy, and Hieronymous and his followers are killed. As they
leave, The Doctor, who misses his chance to meet DaVinci, tells
Sarah that the alignment of the stars will allow the Mandragora
Helix to try again, sometime late in the 20th century.
The Hand of Fear |
Locations: England, Kastria |
Date: 1980 |
lands in a quarry on Earth, and Sarah initially believes they've
landed on yet another alien planet. She and The Doctor fail to see
warning signals for an explosion, and are buried in the blast. The
Doctor is slightly injured, and when Sarah is pulled from the rubble
she is clutching a fossilized hand. The hand transmits an unknown
energy to her, and she is taken to the hospital for tests. When she
recovers, she puts on a ring from the hand, and uses it to stun her
doctor. She then takes the hand to the Nunton power complex, evades
the guards, and takes the hand into a reactor, where it absorbs the
radiation. The hand regenerates a body, a female form modeled
after Sarah. The Doctor learns that this alien is Eldrad, who claims
to have been exiled from her homeworld, Kastria, by traitors in a
revolt which took place millennia ago. She threatens to destroy
Earth unless The Doctor takes her back to Kastria. He agrees, but
refuses to travel to Kastria's past. When they arrive, they find the
planet deserted. Eldrad is apparently destroyed by automated
defenses, but instead regenerates again, into his real form, that of
a bearded warrior. The Doctor and Sarah learn the truth when Eldrad
activates a recorded message from Rokon, the Kastrian king, who had
ordered the execution of the traitorous, warlike, Eldrad, and
convinced his people to destroy their race banks and end their
existence rather than submit to his possible return. The enraged
Eldrad announces his intention to rule Earth instead, but The Doctor
uses his scarf to trip the Kastrian, who falls into an apparently
bottomless pit. As they dematerialize, The Doctor starts working on
the TARDIS console, and Sarah, tired of being ignored, threatens to
leave. As she goes to pack, The Doctor receives (what seems to be) an official recall to
Gallifrey, and is told he must come alone. Sarah, who'd been joking,
sadly bids farewell to The Doctor, and discovers, to her amusement,
that while she's been returned to her proper time, The Doctor "blew it", and she isn't in her own street in South Croydon. 
The Deadly Assassin |
Location: Gallifrey |
Date: Unknown |
returning to Gallifrey, The Doctor receives another message via the
TARDIS's telepathic circuit. In this "premonition", he sees himself
attempting to prevent the murder of the Time Lord President. The TARDIS
makes an unauthorized landing and is surrounded by armed guards. The
Doctor writes a note warning of the danger, and using a ruse, slips
past the guards. He escapes capture when a mysterious figure guns
down a guard, and doubles back to the TARDIS. On the scanner he sees
his old classmate Runcible broadcasting the preparations for the
President's resignation speech. The ship is transmatted to the
Capitol museum by order of Chancellor Goth, who is believed to be
the President's nominee for his successor. The Doctor, in stolen
ceremonial robes, heads for the Panopticon, where the ceremonies are
to take place. He learns that Runcible's cameraman is not at his
post, which he recognizes as the spot he was standing in during his
vision of the murder. He makes his way there and finds a staser
rifle, which he fires into the crowd just as the President falls.
The Doctor is arrested, and since it is traditional for an incoming
President to pardon political prisoners, Goth wants the trial and
execution to take place before his inauguration. The Doctor tells
Castellan Spandrell, leader of the Chancellery Guards, about his
vision. At the trial, he announces his own candidacy for the
Presidency, invoking Article 17 of the Constitution, which provides
that no candidate for office may be put on trial. With a grace
period of 48 hours before the election, The Doctor begins to
convince Spandrell of his innocence. He proves that the sights of
the staser had been tampered with, and says he was actually aiming
at the real assassin. The Doctor and Spandrell reason that the video
of the ceremony will reveal the truth, but instead of the videodisc
they find the shrunken body of the technician inside the camera, and The Doctor realizes The Master is back on
Gallifrey. Runcible, who's found the video, is murdered, and The
Doctor and Spandrell seek help from Engin, coordinator of the APC
Net, which contains the sum of Time Lord knowledge. The Doctor
realizes the APC Net was used to transmit the recall and visions,
and, despite the danger, links his own mind with it to find out what
The Master is planning. The Doctor finds himself in a surreal
theater of the mind, where an unseen enemy uses mental powers
to create deadly illusions. After a series of narrow escapes from a
Samurai warrior, a railway engine, and a World War I biplane, The
Doctor learns how to use the environment, and wounds his enemy with
a grenade and a poisoned thorn. The Doctor learns that his opponent
is Goth, and defeats him in a life-or-death battle in an illusionary
swamp. After unlinking from the APC Net's Matrix, The Doctor, with
Spandrell and Engin, tracks down The Master's Matrix terminal and
discover his body, decayed past the point of no return. They learn
from the dying Goth that he'd rescued The Master, at the end of his
cycle of regenerations, from the planet Terserus, and agreed to his
scheme because he'd learned that the President planned to name
another Time Lord as his successor. As The Doctor tries to
understand The Master's plan, Engin reminds him of the powers of the
Eye of Harmony, the black hole at the heart of Gallifrey which
provides the Time Lords with their energy. The Doctor realizes that
The Master intended to use this power to revitalize himself, and
learns that he has faked his death. The Master has stolen the Sash
of Rassilon, which protects the wearer from the Eye's energy, from
the body of the President, and after trapping The Doctor and his
allies in the Panopticon vaults, uses the Great Key of Rassilon to
open the Eye. As the Panopticon is shaken by the destructive
energies, The Doctor escapes from the vaults and overcomes The
Master, who is apparently killed in a fall. He then stabilizes the
Eye and saves Gallifrey. Cardinal Borusa, one of The Doctor's old
teachers, plans to cover up these events and make Goth the hero, and
is quite happy to let The Doctor leave Gallifrey again. After
Spandrell and Engin see The Doctor off, they learn that The Master
has survived, and are unable to prevent him from stealing a TARDIS
and escaping from Gallifrey.
Unrecorded Events |
Locations: See below |
Dates: See below |
The Doctor
makes his first visit to the planet Tigella (50 years before
Meglos). In 1503 Florence, he finally meets Leonardo DaVinci,
who is painting the Mona Lisa, whose model The Doctor will
later describe as a "terrible woman with no eyebrows" (City of
Death). In 1960 Cambridge, The Doctor visits his old friend
Professor Chronotis, and receives an honorary doctorate from St.
Cedd's College (Shada). The Doctor visits Australia (probably
in the 1930s), where he plays cricket for New South Wales and meets
the legendary cricket player Donald Bradman. During this period The Doctor learns
the fast bowling style (Black
Orchid) although he will continue to consider himself "a great slow bowler" (The Creature from the Pit). He plans to visit
Hyde Park, but the TARDIS instead brings him to a planet he has
visited before (see below).
The Face of Evil |
Location: Unknown |
Date: Unknown |
The TARDIS arrives on an unnamed planet, and The
Doctor meets Leela, a warrior of the primitive Sevateem, who's been
exiled because of heresy against their god, Xoanon. She's
initially frightened of The Doctor, whom she calls "The Evil One",
but after he helps her escape from a group of invisible attackers
she tells him that Xoanon is held captive by an enemy tribe called
the Tesh. The Doctor is captured by Sevateem warriors and meets
their shaman, Neeva. As he sees remnants of old technology and
observes the tribe's rituals, The Doctor realizes that they are the
descendants of a lost group of colonists. Leela rescues The Doctor,
incurring his anger when she kills a guard with a poisonous janis
thorn. She leads him to the edge of the forest, where he finds a
massive image of his own face carved into a mountainside. They
return to the village to investigate, and The Doctor uses one of the
"holy relics", a spacesuit radio, to speak with Xoanon, whose voice
is identical to his own. Leela is poisoned with a janis thorn by
another warrior, but The Doctor creates an antidote using an old
medkit. He's captured by the tribe, and, after using his skill with
a crossbow to pass the test of the Horda (suspension over a pit full
of carnivorous creatures), proves that he is not the Evil One. He
repairs an energy weapon to provide a defense against Xoanon's
phantoms, and he and Leela go to investigate the carving. After
entering through "The Doctor's" mouth, they see a man in a
spacesuit. They follow and are transmatted to a spaceship, where
they meet Jabel, Captain of the Tesh, who have developed psionic
abilities. The Doctor realizes that both tribes are descended from
the Mordee expedition which he tried to help
soon after his regeneration (Robot), with the Sevateem
being the Survey Team, and the Tesh being the technicians, and that
Xoanon was the ship's computer he had attempted to repair. Jabel
disables them with a psychic blast, and they are taken to be
dissected by particle analysis. The Doctor destroys the analyzer by
reflecting its beam back into the works, and, using a communicator
to imitate Xoanon, tells Neeva how to bring his tribe to the
spaceship. He's taken aback when Neeva calls him "Doctor", and
realizes he's underestimated the shaman. Xoanon is schizophrenic
because The Doctor neglected to erase his own personality from the
computer after repairing it, and as the Time Lord enters the
computer complex, he is attacked. Leela rescues him, and they head
for the ship's control room to find another way to stop the mad
computer. Xoanon takes control of both tribes in an effort to stop
The Doctor, but Neeva, who's protected because he's lost faith in
his "god", attacks Xoanon, dying in the process. The distraction
allows The Doctor to wipe the multiple personalities. With the
computer repaired, The Doctor slips away as the tribes argue about
who is to be their new leader. Leela also leaves after one of the
Sevateem suggests her for the job, and catches up with The Doctor.
She asks to join him on his travels, and when he refuses, she runs
into the TARDIS, which takes off just as The Doctor enters.
The next installment in The Fourth Doctor's
adventures will be online
soon | |
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